A local computer storage reseller contacted us at Number 9 Creative when they realized they had outgrown the abilities of the web marketing manager they’d been workin
Everyone wants a happy ending, but how do you tap into that for a successful ad campaign? People are skeptical and risk-averse, which makes our jobs creating advertisements
Companies are flocking to social media like people to California during the Gold Rush. Like many of those people, some companies are finding the “promised land”
I recently read an article about how B2B marketing is changing very rapidly, and how a lot of B2B marketing is failing because of the buyer. According to the article: ̶
One of my favorite parts of this infographic is the Spirit Animal. I could definitely see myself as a peacock! Also if you’re a fan of AMC’s Mad Men you can see
The advertising eye of Sauron has been fixed on the Millennials lately…but why? The Millennials are the biggest generation – exceeding even the Baby Boomer gene
I’m a little late posting this, but you may have read the headlines last month about Bank of America back-pedaling on its proposed $5 debit card fees because people w
I stumbled upon this post from Meeting Boy with a list of the top 29 hated office buzzwords. Personally, I think the worst offenders are marketers. The Problem With Buzzwor
According to people in San Francisco, CA, McDonald’s Happy Meal toys are responsible for obesity in children. The “enticing toys” are like catnip to child