The Blog
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The Blog

Many people, especially those in the creative industry, are making bold claims that the business card has gone the way of the dinosaur - extinct. According to The Personal Branding Blog, business cards "have been around since the 15th century when they were first used in...

Sorry we've been MIA lately! We've been deep in the trenches, working late, and keeping the coffee industry alive and well. This is a quick post with this interesting graph from eMarketer Daily: This seems like enough evidence to get your CEO hooked up to your social...

The media outcry and public condemnation of Lowe's pulling its ad placements from TLC's upcoming show "All-American Muslim" may have put them in a precarious position. Cries of Lowe's implied bigotry and prejudice could have been avoided or at least slightly muted if Lowe's had...

Case after case AGAINST the use of stock photos can be found on the internet from marketers to photographers; but cliched stock photos continue to make appearances on website after website and ad after ad. Are stock photos really so bad that they could be...

According to people in San Francisco, CA, McDonald's Happy Meal toys are responsible for obesity in children. The "enticing toys" are like catnip to children, turning them in ravenous beasts who overpower their adult parents - forcing them to drive the maniacal beasts their children...

I stumbled upon this post from Meeting Boy with a list of the top 29 hated office buzzwords. Personally, I think the worst offenders are marketers. The Problem With Buzzwords People are prone to using buzzwords because they want to appear current (think Dr. Evil "I'm...

I'm a little late posting this, but you may have read the headlines last month about Bank of America back-pedaling on its proposed $5 debit card fees because people were unhappy about it. People, who could have been loyal customers to the end, were doing...

The advertising eye of Sauron has been fixed on the Millennials lately...

One of my favorite parts of this infographic is the Spirit Animal. I could definitely see myself as a peacock! Also if you're a fan of AMC's Mad Men you can see distinct similarities between the characters on the show and their jobs according to...

I recently read an article about how B2B marketing is changing very rapidly, and how a lot of B2B marketing is failing because of the buyer. According to the article: "Studies continue to confirm that, when it comes to making a buying decision, they have...